HelW olorld! - Concurrent programming using the ThreadWeaver framework
Concurrent programming means creating applications that perform
multiple operations at the same time. A common problem is that the
user sees the application pause. A typical requirement is that an
operation which may take an arbitrary amount of time because it is,
for example, performing disk I/O, is scheduled for execution but
immediately taken of the main thread of the application (the one that
starts main()
). To illustrate how this problem would be solved and to
jump right into using ThreadWeaver, let’s simulate this problem by
printing Hello World!1 as the asynchronous payload:
#include <QtCore>
#include <ThreadWeaver/ThreadWeaver>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
using namespace ThreadWeaver;
stream() << make_job( []() { qDebug() << "Hello World!"; } );
This short but complete program written in C++11 outputs the common
greeting to the command line.2 It does so, however, from a worker
thread managed by the global ThreadWeaver queue. The header file
included in line 2 contains the essential
declarations needed to use the most common ThreadWeaver
operations. The components used in this examples are the global queue,
a job and a queueing mechanism. The global queue is a singleton
instance of the ThreadWeaver thread pool that is instantiated when it
it first accessed after the application starts. A job represents
“something” that should be executed asynchroneously. In this case, the
thing to execute is a C++ lambda function that prints the welcome
message. The queueing mechanism used here is a queue stream, an API
inspired by the iostream family of classes. ThreadWeaver builds on
top of Qt, and similar to most Qt applications requires a
QCoreApplication (or one of it’s descendents) to exist throughout the
lifetime of the application. Up to line 7, the program looks like any
other Qt application.
To have the job lambda function called by one of the worker threads, a
job is created that wraps it using the make_job()
. It is then handed
to the queue stream. The queue stream will submit the jobs for
execution when the queuing command is completed, that is at the
closing semicolon. Once the job is queued, one of the worker threads
will automatically pick it up from the queue and execute
it. ThreadWeaver::Job
is the unit of execution handled by
ThreadWeaver queues. Jobs are simple runnable types that perform one
task, defined in their run()
method. Some jobs wrap a
lambda function as in this example or decorate other jobs. However
implementing custom, reusable job classes is only a matter of writing
a class that inherits ThreadWeaver::Job
and re-implementing
it’s run
method. The job that was created by make_job()
in this example wraps the specified lambda function, and executes it
when it is itself executed by a worker thread.
The program does not specify where the job should be executed, and not even when exactly. In a scenario where there would be many jobs waiting in the queue, execution of the new job would not be immediate. Which worker thread will be assigned the job is also undefined. The programmer gives up a bit of control over the details of execution, and in turns benefits from the automatic distribution of jobs amongst the available processors by the worker threads in the queue. Every program that links the ThreadWeaver library has access to a global queue for the execution of jobs. If no queue is specified when enqueueing a job, the global one will be used by default. Workers threads are allocated when needed by the queue. If the global pool is never accessed by an application, it will never be instantiated.
An application performing tasks in background threads should never
exit while any of these operations is still in progress. In the case
of ThreadWeaver, this means all jobs in the queue need to be either
completed or dequeued and all worker threads idle before the
application may exit. The global pool is in fact a QObject child of
the QCoreApplication
object instantiated in line 7. It will be
deleted by the destructor of QCoreApplication. When it is destroyed,
it will wait until all queued up jobs have completed. The program will
thus wait in line 8 until the job has finished printing “Hello World!”
and will then exit. The job was enqueued as a shared pointer, so
memory management is taken care of. While this example was very much
simplified, the described functionality already has many practical
applications. For example, the many operations real-life applications
need to perform at startup, like loading translations, icon resources
et cetera, can be removed from the criticial path this way. In this
case the operations usually need to be performed in a certain order
and then handed over to the main thread. Solutions for that are built
into ThreadWeaver as well.
Since there have been questions - the title of the post refers to the problem of writing output from multiple threads without synchronization, which breaks the guarantees on order of execution. A boon for every concurrent program. ↩︎
The examples are part of the ThreadWeaver source code and can be found in the KDE API DOCS. ↩︎